Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is composed of distinguished educators, professionals, experts, and leaders who offer distinctive knowledge, skills, and experiences that will provide fresh perspectives on programmatic issues and guide our work. Advisory Committee members will offer advice and recommendations, assist with communication and contacts, and/or provide key information or resources to the project staff.

  • Maka Akan Najin Black Elk is the Executive Director for Truth and Healing at Red Cloud Indian School, a K-12 Jesuit school in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
  • Mary Gail Frawley-O’DeaPh.D., is a psychologist, psychoanalyst, and trauma specialist and the executive director of Presbyterian Psychological Services in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor of Law and Theology at Boston College and past president of the Society of Christian Ethics.
  • Wyatt L. Jones III is Principal of Loyola High School, Detroit, MI.
  • Paul Lakeland is the Rev. Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J., Professor of Catholic Studies and chair of the Center for Catholic Studies at Fairfield University.
  • Michael C. McCarthy, S.J., is the vice president for mission integration and planning, and associate professor, Theology Department, Fordham University.
  • Elsie M. Miranda, D.Min., is a Director of Accreditation and Institutional Evaluation at The Association of Theological Schools, and previously served as a professor of Practical Theology and Director of Ministerial Formation at Barry University.
  • Stephanie Russell, Ed.D., is vice president and consultant for mission integration at the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.
  • Roberta Sitterding is a victim/survivor. She has been involved in survivor movements since 1993 with Linkup and SNAP, and since 2002 with Voice of the Faithful and Coalition of Concerned Catholics.
  • Margaret Smith is professor of criminology with expertise in data analysis in child sexual abuse, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
  • Karen Terry is professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and on the faculty of the criminal justice doctoral program at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.